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Jake P

FNQ Shortcourse 2010 Hosted by CCS (13 Mar 2010) - SC
Current Age: 23 Age at the meet: 8
Club: Mareeba SC Inc Event # 83A - 8 years and under 100m Medley (Final)
Time: 1:40.19 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 140

Immediate competition in 100m Medley.

Brandon MWA 1:39.39
Flynn HWA 1:39.61
Cooper RWA 1:39.73
Oliver AWA 1:39.89
Hudson CNCOLL 1:39.92
James BCJ'S 1:39.98
Mason FWA 1:39.99
Connor ORACKL 1:40.48
Andrew NWA 1:40.55
Edward JWA 1:40.67

Other events at the meet

8 years 100m FreestyleFinal 1:28.52
8 years 25m BackstrokeFinal 22.50
8 years 25m BreaststrokeFinal 24.67
8 years 25m ButterflyFinal 20.11
8 years 25m FreestyleFinal 18.23
Best event for the meet was the 8 years 100m Freestyle.

Mareeba Inc Swimming Club 8 years 100m Medley (SC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
13 Mar 2010 1:40.19 Jake P FNQ Shortcourse 2010 Hosted by CCS
3 Nov 2001 1:45.73 JACK D Edge Hill Allcomers
22 Sep 2001 1:52.02 JACK D Cooktown Tree Frogs Family Meet
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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