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Neil C

Immediate competition in 50m Freestyle.

Oscar KNSW 25.26
Liam DVic 25.26
Joeuel CVic 25.26
Matthew MVIC 25.26
Cameron HQLD 25.27
Andre VQLD 25.27
Xander HQLD 25.27
Lachlan CVic 25.27
Hayden BQLD 25.28
Tyler MVic 25.28

Gulf Swimming Swimming Club 14 years 50m Freestyle (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
2 Aug 2005 25.06 Eric K 2005 UH Southern Zones
30 Jul 2003 25.27 Neil C 2003 - Southern Zone Champions
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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