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Jack L

Immediate competition in 50m Breaststroke.

Cameron HQLD 35.53
Alex ZWA 35.54
Jacob JQLD 35.55
William TQLD 35.55
Iggy BQLD 35.55
Austin KQLD 35.56
Edward OVIC 35.56
Michael SSA 35.58
Eugene LQLD 35.59
Nathaniel Zu Hern YWA 35.59

Other events at the meet

North Texas Swimming Club 12 years 50m Breaststroke (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
30 Jul 2003 35.56 Jack L 2003 - Southern Zone Champions
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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