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David R

Immediate competition in 100m Backstroke.

Jett BNSW 59.04
Matthew CSA 59.14
Gabriel GNSW 59.19
Thomas MWA 59.25
Ewan SVic 59.30
Liam VQLD 59.49
Luca BVic 59.49
Ethan RVic 59.50
Blake HVic 59.52
Jack LVic 59.55

Other events at the meet

Open 100m ButterflyHeat 58.98
Open 200m BackstrokeHeat 2:07.03
Open 200m BackstrokeFinal 2:08.46
Open 200m ButterflyHeat 2:10.98
Open 200m MedleyFinal 2:15.96

Split Times

Distance Time Split
50m 28.98 28.98
100m 59.30 30.32

New England Barracudas Swimming Club 17 years 100m Backstroke (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
3 Aug 2004 57.06 David R 2004 ConocoPhillips National C
10 Jun 2004 58.75 David R 2004 NC Charlotte UltraSwim
10 Feb 2004 59.30 David R ConocoPhillips Spring National
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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