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Christopher O

Immediate competition in 400m Freestyle.

Caleb JQLD 4:16.16
Damien RVic 4:16.23
Zachary SVic 4:16.41
Kayden GQLD 4:16.49
Lachlan PQLD 4:16.73
Thomas BQLD 4:16.74
Jurgens WWA 4:16.98
Kalani CQLD 4:17.10
Oliver CQLD 4:17.12
Owen HWA 4:17.30

Other events at the meet

Open 100m FreestyleFinal 56.14
Open 200m BackstrokeFinal 2:20.55
Open 200m ButterflyFinal 2:12.21
Open 200m FreestyleFinal 2:01.03
Open 200m MedleyFinal 2:18.67

Split Times

Distance Time Split
100m 1:03.47 1:03.47
200m 2:09.35 1:05.88
300m 3:14.48 1:05.13
400m 4:16.83 1:02.35

Greater Tampa Swimming Associa Swimming Club 18 years 400m Freestyle (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
12 Jul 2006 4:11.52 Christopher O 2006 Speedo Champions Series
30 Jun 2006 4:14.65 Christopher O St. Petersburg Aquatic - Long Course Invit.
2 Jun 2006 4:16.83 Christopher O 2006 TAMPA BAY SWIM CLASSIC
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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