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Genevieve A

Immediate competition in 50m Backstroke.

Zoe WQLD 31.93
Madison SQLD 31.94
Tyla EQLD 31.94
Hannah AQLD 31.95
Emma PQLD 31.95
Judy HVic 31.96
Ruby WQLD 31.97
Philomena AQLD 31.98
Ruby AQLD 32.01
Isabella KQLD 32.02

Saint Andrew's Swimming Swimming Club 17 years 50m Backstroke (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
5 Aug 2014 29.93 Darby G 2014 NCSA Summer Swimming Championships
26 Jun 2010 31.97 Genevieve A 2010 FG CSSC Invitational-CSSC-062410
23 Jul 2009 35.45 Riley S 09FGLongCourseJO-072309-PST
25 Jun 2009 35.75 Riley S 2009 FGC Invitational - CSSC -062509
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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