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Immediate competition in 200m Medley.

Luke HWASC 2:11.43
Beau MABTO 2:16.93
Alex WKNGC 2:29.68
Hayden WMRAY 2:29.79
Ian BMRAY 2:33.98
Noah KCRAN 2:36.09
Will HALST 2:39.81
William BALST 2:40.04
Ben BMRAY 3:06.43
Elijah MALST 3:11.49

Other events at the meet

Alstonville Amateur Swimming Club 10 years 200m Medley (SC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
23 Oct 2010 3:13.35 Harrison G 2010 Trinity Qualifying Carnival
3 May 2008 3:18.54 FELIX M 2008 Ballina Indoor 12&U
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.