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Lachlan H

Morwell 14& Under SC Sprints (29 Aug 2009) - SC
Current Age: 25 Age at the meet: 9
Club: Geelong Swimming Club Event # 30 - 9 years and under 100m Medley (Final)
Time: 1:35.47 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 162

Immediate competition in 100m Medley.

Archer MTRL 1:26.54
Cooper SWDCI 1:26.71
Harry KBSIDE 1:26.97
Archie SSGB 1:27.36
Aaron SGSH 1:27.37
Campbell MIGST 1:27.62
Bryce SBLRT 1:28.34
Rex BSGB 1:29.37
Lachlan BNUN 1:30.49
Cooper HYPW 1:35.31

Other events at the meet

9 years 50m BackstrokeFinal 42.99
9 years 50m BreaststrokeFinal 57.29
9 years 50m ButterflyFinal 45.33
9 years 50m FreestyleFinal 38.95

Geelong Swimming Club 9 years 100m Medley (SC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
29 Aug 2009 1:35.47 Lachlan H Morwell 14& Under SC Sprints
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.