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Sarah R

Immediate competition in 2500m Freestyle.

Catherine BMELB 35:16.00
Clara TWA 52:10.60
Claire WWA 52:10.80
Maya HWA 52:15.20
Sarah MWA 52:19.80
Kasse MWA 52:19.90
Maya MWA 52:26.50
Georgia SQLD 52:27.50
Ann-Maree LWA 52:29.50
Rosemary SWA 52:30.70

Nyah Two Bays/Swan Hill ASC In Swimming Club 12 years 2500m Freestyle (OW) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
16 Nov 2014 52:35.10 Sarah R SWA Open Water Series Round 2 - City Beach
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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